Ultimate Full Arch Solution with Completely Digital Workflow
How It Works
Data Acquisition
Utilize benefits of photogrammetry technology to virtualize the patient for prosthetically driven implant planning and facially driven prosthetic design with a completely digital workflow
Align and design on the CAD software and the STL file can be used to produce in-house or by any of our certified labs for same-day or next-day loading
Manufacture full arch provisionals and final prosthetics with 3D printing/milling technology and finishing techniques
Data Acquisition Workflow
Digitally obtain complete patient data for a predictable and easy production process
Workflow Benefits
Reliable & Predictable
Consistently connect implant treatment plan with delivery system with a dependable support system for clinic and lab with pragmatic protocols to achieve 99.9% accuracy in passivity of prosthesis
Higher Profitability
No verification jig & temporary cylinder needed and no Ti bases needed for immediate load provisional bridges
Reduce Chair Time
Less appointments without compromising delivery of restoration by eliminating the verification and adjustments processes
Happy Doctors & Patients
Help patients restore smiles in most effective & least intrusive way and provide same-day dentistry integrating tech precision, expertise, and efficiency